Andrew and I found out that we were pregnant in November and soon after I had served the last bit of pumpkin and pecan pie to our family on Thanksgiving, morning sickness struck. Not only was it morning sickness, it was afternoon sickness and night sickness too. Ugh...not fun. The morning sickness officially subsided at about 16-weeks and I am only just now starting to get my energy back. Energy which is devoted to work and getting dinner on the table every day. So, sorry guys, baby's fault!
Well, 2013 was a whirlwind of a year. We went on our 3-week adventure to New Zealand, bought our new Focus, renovated our master bathroom, refinished our kitchen cabinets, and had some fun as we allowed God to heal and refresh us in His love. I can't believe how much happened last year and how quickly it flew by!
So, without further ado, here are our plans for 2014:
1. RECARPET!!!!!!!!!!!! Our carpet is so awful, it desperately needs to be replaced and before baby comes. Pray for good deals and energy!
2. Remodel Andrew's office into Baby/Office room. Still looking for a desk that works and possibly considering making one ourselves.
3. If I can convince my hubby, I'd love to remodel our living room (anyone need a sofa and loveseat?). Crossing my fingers on this one.
4. Organize and get our finances in order for our changing lifestyle coming in July. :)
Compared to our previous busy years, this list is probably very unimpressive. But, I'm looking forward to our little summer bundle and also sharing our creative ideas for living simply as a family of 3 in the city (do I see IKEA in our future? :D).
Prayers for a healthy, normal pregnancy is appreciated!!! Happy New Year!