Thursday, August 30, 2012

Adult Grilled Cheese and Tomatoe Bisque

Want to know a delicious way of making adult grilled cheese and tomato soup? Make grilled cheese with French bread and homemade tomato bisque soup. Tomato soup for four: saute half an onion (diced), one celery stalk (with the leaves and diced), and three garlic cloves with one can of diced tomatoes and half a can of water. After the onions are tender, throw the entire contents into the blender and
puree with a can of tomato paste. Return to sauce pan and add 1.5 cups of milk with salt, pepper, and cumin to taste. If you are in the mood for some spice use some red curry and crushed red pepper powder. Serve with fresh pesto drizzled on top. Cook the grilled cheese using pesto on the outside instead of butter (a little healthier and a whole heck of a lot tastier). And, presto, YUMMO! Delicious!
As a final note, pesto is super easy, throw a handful or two of fresh basil into your blender with a garlic clove and 1/3rd a cup of olive oil. Blend. Salt and pepper to taste. can thank me later. ;) 
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